Priyanka's Projects

Welcome to my projects section. For all the certifications I undertake, I make sure to create few projects on them.

Website - Seshu Consultancy Services

Seshu Consultancy Services is an ISO and writing consultancy agency based out of Mumbai, since 2001. I made the website for the comapny to drive greater traffic and thus reachingout to many potential clients.

Corporate Project: Company Website of Momai Land Consultants

Momai land Consultants is a construction consultation comapny based out of Umbergaon, Gujrat. This website was made for them howcasig their business and thus increasing the reach o the company.

College Entrepreneurship Cell Website

Collaborated with my batch-mates to create and maintain different sections of the website. Major first-time learnings were: Version Control, hosting and maintainence of websites.

Domains: HTML, SASS & JS

IOT-based Home Automation with NodeMCU

Wherever you are, get alerts & updates about home on your mobile with an SMS! All with a simple NodeMCU project! This project is built with Blynk mobile app as an interfact for the IoT cloud, UI as well as updates on phone.

Domains: Internet of Things, IoT-Cloud, Arduino, Sensors, Communication


Home Automation: Door Opener

The Home automation is a part of my personl project on Home Automation. This project is made with the help of Arduino, and various sensors interfaced into it. The links to simaulation, video and code are given below. The project is still a WIP.

Domains: Internet of Things, Arduino, Sensors, Communication

Morse Code Encrypter

Morse Code Encrypter was developed as a part of my IoT project-cum-internship at Exposys Data Labs. Made with both Arduino and Raspberry pi, this can convert alphanumeric data into Morse Code.

Domains: Internet of Things, Arduino, Raspberry pi

Wonderland Travel Club

Wonderland Travel Club is developed a single-page website for a travel company, and as a personal project of mine to showcase basic concepts of Basic Web Development.

Concepts used: HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap 4

Simple Login-page

A login page as seen for various websites asking users to login to their account for resuming activity on their account.

Concepts used: Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 concepts